As for the things I have to tell, I have forgotten already, save these couple of things:
1. I interviewed for a job a while back (almost 3 weeks ago). Out of 100 applicants, 10 got chosen for interviews and then 3 were asked to come work for a week each. Paid at $20/hr. That's $800 for one weeks work!! I am one of the three and I got first dibs on when to go, so I asked for the second or third week. I figured that way they could work out all the kinks with the first people and by the time I come along they will know all that they need to tell me right away, thereby making me more efficient. So, my week starts Monday. I have been studying up on my Quark. I bought a 1000 page book (that probably could be edited to 600) and have been ever so slowly workimng through it. I have hardly taken a break except for the last 2 days cause I got a little sick. So, if I get the job, which I am really, really, really hoping I do, I will get a nice benefits package (which hopefully includes Maternity leave) and $25/hr. Y'all, I have never made that kinda money and I am kinda flippin' out about it. My baby will quit his crappy job and paint or do what ever creative pursuit he wishes and life will be good. Okay, life already is good. Damn good I have to say. So, that is what i have been doing everyday over here. Preparing for my week.
2. You have to check out what Daniel has been doing. I think it's gorgeous!

3. I am sure there is more to tell, but I can't think of it now. We are having a bbq this weekend in honor of Pete who won't be here till the Wednesday after that. We are inviting our neighbors downstairs who seem like cool cats. Ringo has a million new pin feathers that are making him snappy, but not screamy, and still sweet. We just have to be a little careful touching him.
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Ilona GREAT title this post. I am actually looking for jewelery related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other jewelery related blogs. Thank you.
Ilona GREAT title this post. I am actually looking for Rocking horse related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other Rocking horse related blogs. Thank you.
Ilona GREAT title this post. I am actually looking for wooden rocking horse related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other wooden rocking horse related blogs. Thank you.
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Ilona GREAT title this post. I am actually looking for equestrian jewelry related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other equestrian jewelry related blogs. Thank you.
Hey Ilona GREAT title this post. Thats what actually caught my eye. I was surfing blogs to try and help my customers and visitors with information on my website about ##Keyword## and paused to read but ran out of time. I will book mark it and come back to read later. This isn't really what I was looking for what I really need is information about related subjects but thank you and I shall return. I wish you well.
Hey Ilona GREAT title this post. Thats what actually caught my eye. I was surfing blogs to try and help my customers and visitors with information on my website about ##Keyword## and paused to read but ran out of time. I will book mark it and come back to read later. This isn't really what I was looking for what I really need is information about related subjects but thank you and I shall return. I wish you well.
Ilona GREAT title this post. I am actually looking for horse breeds related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other horse breeds related blogs. Thank you.
Ilona GREAT title this post. I am actually looking for collector plates related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other collector plates related blogs. Thank you.
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