Ooh ooh ooh! Look, I've knocked another item off the list. The Boppy! The ultimate feeding, sitting, playing pillow (and looks like it would work well for a tail bone injury that we hope none of us ever have, or maybe a boomerang that won't take heads off). I like this pattern - brown on one side and vintagey blue floral on the other. They call it Urban Vintage Brown. And the removable cover is a must for washing off that baby spit and whatnot. OMG, I just realized its the same colors as my website that hasn't been updated in many years. At least I am consitent in my tastes. Daniel likes it too so it's a win! (Giggling at the image of Daniel walking around with this pillow around his waist.) Gah! I just realized you have to buy the slipcover and pillow separately. Meh. Quarter of a star off for inconvenience in buying. But I still love it.
Boppy.com and
Babies'R'Us (this is where I eat my words about registering at Babies'R'Us.)

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