Alright, Pop-pop, I know he looks a little grumpy here, but its mostly because he's still a little small for the car seat (hence all the blankets rolled up around his head to wedge him in). In the nursery he had to do a car seat "challenge" because he was a premie, where he had to sit in the car seat for an hour while they monitored his breathing and heartrate. I'm happy to say that he passed with flying colors. Usually, he falls asleep within a few minutes of being buckled in. I can't say for sure, but I think this bodes well for car trips in the future.
And check out these lovlies! The koala is from our friend Jen Proctor (who also brought us fresh baked raspberry pie a couple days ago! *luv*), and the awesome little hedgehog was made by our very talented Carly Quinn. Target has a line of hedgehog clothes and blankets and I think I might need to indulge just because this little guy is so damn cute!

(I'm not sure why, but the images are getting cut off a bit. If you click on them, you get the full image.)
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