“It’s time for bed, little mouse, little mouse,
Darkness is falling all over the house.
It’s time for bed, little goose, little goose,
The stars are out and on the loose . . .”
Darkness is falling all over the house.
It’s time for bed, little goose, little goose,
The stars are out and on the loose . . .”

Just read this as a board book (you know those thick cardboard pages that babies can chew on) and was suddenly sitting on the floor in Powell's with tears streaming down my face! lol! Hello hormones!
I looked at a number of baby goodnight books (as opposed to bedtime books more appropriate for toddlers) and this one is a complete winner. I think this may need to be added to the little lentil's library pre-birth.
Also came across a ton of books that I adored as a child!
Rain Makes Applesauce (these are the most wonderful imaginative illustrations! Beautiful!)
Blueberries for Sal (this book is a zillion years old and still wonderful!)
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
Harold and the Purple Crayon
In the Night Kitchen (Maurice Sendak can do no wrong!)
The Pokey Little Puppy (my favorite Little Golden Book as a kid)
Caps for Sale (heh heh heh! love this story)
Alexander and the Horrible Terrible No-Good, Very Bad Day
Still have my copies of these books:
The King, The Mice and The Cheese
Too Much Noise (classic bed time story that I know by heart)
Jacob Had a Little Overcoat
The Monster at the End of the Book (starring Grover. Very silly and fun!)
(sorry, I lost the will to link them all)
Ah, books! I AM my father's daughter. I did have to snicker a bit because almost all of these books are Caldecot Award winners or winners of some such or other award. But, of course! :)
Last but not least on books, my yoga teacher often reads from this book during shavasana and the entries are so wonderful. I'm buying this one tonight!

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